2024/May/Sun | Economics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) is an admission test at the University of Oxford and University College London (UCL) that aims to test whether candidates are able to study humanities-related courses such as economics, psychology, philosophy and linguistics. I. Latest...
2024/May/Sat | Economics Collection, Mathematics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admission) is a test for applicants applying for mathematics, computer science and economics related courses at Cambridge, Imperial College, LSE, Warwick, Durham, and other UK universities. I. Latest changes in TMUA test 1....
2024/May/Tue | Economics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
I. Common Knowledge to Oxbridge Economics Admissions 1. Choose Either Oxford or Cambridge You can only apply to only one course of either Oxford or Cambridge in a same academic year, rather than applying to both the two universities. 2. Apply Through the UCAS You are...
2024/Apr/Sun | Economics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
An exceptional economics personal statement is necessary for applying to elite institutions like Oxford and Cambridge. This essay will serve as an introduction, discuss the importance of crafting a compelling personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge Economics...