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Test of Mathematics for University Admission

To Registration Opens on Aug 1st
To TMUA Exam Day:
TMUA 2024 Standard Course
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▌TMUA Core Courses

Course Highlights - Well Designed Courses

Well-Designed Courses

Regularly updated to reflect the latest exam syllabus
Systematically structured topics
An extensive yet meticulously curated question bank

Course Highlights - Wide Range Audiences

Diverse Audience Base

Only A Level Math and Physics knowledge needed
Suitable for students of AP, IB and various other curricula
Beneficial for students of all levels

Course Highlights - Enhanced Learning Effects

Enhanced Learning Outcomes

Detailed explanation of useful problem-solving skills
Time-limited exercises to boost problem-solving speed
Consolidate your knowledge with supplementary questions

Course Highlights - Well Produced Materials

High-Quality Materials

Latest Workbook and Coursebook with elegant design
Collections of TMUA past papers and categorized questions
Thoroughly detailed solutions to every question

Well-Designed Courses

Focused on the lastest specification
Systematic designed topics
Large amount of questions with proper difficulty

Wide-Range Audiences

Only knowledge of A Level Maths required
Suitable for students of AP, IB and all other curricula
Students of all levels can benefit from this course

Enhanced Learning Effects

Useful problem-solving skills explained with details
Practices with time limits help improve speed of solving problems
Consolidate your knowledge through extra supplement questions

Well-Produced Materials

Latest workbook and coursbook PDFs
Collections of past papers and categorised questions
Full solutions to all questions
TMUA Standard Course

TMUA Core Courses Suite

The coursebook includes 20 comprehensive topics, complemented by approximately 18 hours of video lectures. The workbook features 60 practice sets, 3 mock exam sets, along with companion learning materials, collections of past papers, and categorized questions. Complete solutions to all questions are provided.

▌TMUA Question Practice

These products are suitable for students with strong self-learning ability and professional teachers who research and teach TMUA exams.

TMUA Question Practice

TMUA Question Practice Bank

The workbook includes 60 practice sets and 3 mock papers sets, accompanied by companion learning materials, collections of past papers, and categorized questions. Solutions to all questions are provided.

▌TMUA Test Prep Guide

How to prepare for TMUA

How to prepare for TMUA

Useful advices from Xie Tao, an experienced teacher in TMUA, help you prepare for TMUA and get higher socres.

TMUA Exam - A Comprehensive Guide

TMUA Test: A Comprehensive Guide

Everything you'd like to know about TMUA, including TMUA test dates, test format, specification, difficulty and TMUA test prep suggestions.

▌TMUA Data Analysis

Oxbridge Admissions Statistics

Oxbridge Admissions Statistics

Courses and colleges admissions statistics

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