If you want to apply for engineering science, materials science, and physics courses at Oxford University, you must take the Oxford PAT test. The PAT score is important in determining whether you can be admitted. However, many students and parents are unfamiliar with how to register for Oxford PAT, when to start registration, etc. This blog will provide a detailed introduction and guidance for you.
I. Key dates for 2024 Oxford PAT
15 August
Oxford PAT registration opens
4 October
Oxford PAT registration closes
28 October
Oxford PAT test day
November 2024
Admissions tutors will make their shortlisting decisions.
January 2025
Test scores will be distributed to all applicants.
II. How to register for Oxford PAT?
1. Create the Oxford admissions test user account
- Go to the registration portal and follow the instructions to create your account.
- You will be asked for your UCAS ID number in this process. You should enter the UCAS ID now if you have already opened an application with UCAS. If you haven’t started an application, you must return to this account and enter your UCAS ID as soon as possible once you have opened an application with UCAS. This is important because Oxford needs to match your test registration with your application.
- You will be asked for your UCAS ID number in this process. You should enter the UCAS ID now if you have already opened an application with UCAS. If you haven’t started an application, you must return to this account and enter your UCAS ID as soon as possible once you have opened an application with UCAS. This is important because Oxford needs to match your test registration with your application.
- Select the course.
- After creating your profile, you will be asked to select your chosen course from a drop-down menu. The course code can be found on this page.
- Once you have chosen an engineering science, materials science, or physics course, you will automatically be registered for the Oxford PAT.
- You can change your course selection and register for a different test during the application window from 15 August to 4 October.
2. Book your test at Pearson VUE
- Once registered for Oxford PAT, you will be automatically transferred to Pearson VUE’s test booking platform.
- Read and agree to Oxford’s test policies before proceeding.
- Choose the test centre. You can use the ‘Find a test centre’ function to locate the test centres near your address.
- Make an appointment
- Choose your test date.
- If multiple test sittings exist at your chosen test centre, you can select the time to sit your test and book the appointment.
- Check the confirmation that your test has been successfully booked and all booking details are correct.
III. Access arrangements
- Select to request access arrangements at the time of registration, or you have to go back, withdraw your original booking and register for Oxford PAT and book again.
- You need to supply documented evidence for the access arrangements and all supporting evidence should come from a recognised medical or educational specialist.
- All documents must be uploaded via the platform messaging option before 6 p.m. BST on 20 September; otherwise, your test booking will be cancelled.
- After 20 September, you can rebook your test and request the arrangement again until 4 October but only if you upload the required documentation when rebooking.
- Choose the arrangement type from the checkbox list.
- If you select from category 1, you can book the test yourself; please reference Step 2 – How to register for the Oxford PAT.
- If you select from category 2, you will need to fill out a scheduling form. Pearson VUE will book the test for you and confirm your test booking via email.
- If your normal arrangements are not listed, please select ‘other’ and describe them in the pop-up box. In this instance, Oxford will review your request before contacting Pearson VUE on your behalf. Pearson VUE will then contact you directly.
IV. Cancel the test appointment
Oxford admission tests can only be taken by Oxford applicants. If you register for Oxford PAT but do not submit your UCAS application by the deadline of 15 October, your test booking will be automatically cancelled.
If you do not provide evidence of your request for access arrangements in time, your test booking will be cancelled. You will be able to reschedule or reapply, provided you can immediately supply the required documentation, until the booking window closes on 4 October.
You can cancel your booking up to 48 hours before your scheduled test time.
V. Conclusions
For students who apply for engineering science, materials science and physics courses at Oxford, it is crucial to understand and familiarize themselves with the test information and how to register for the Oxford PAT in advance. This can save a lot of time and ensure a smooth application process.
Please click the link below to view our blogs, which provide a comprehensive guide on the Oxford PAT test and how to prepare for it. These blogs will improve your preparation efficiency and your PAT test scores!