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TMUA & MAT Online Live Classes

£1 190.04£5 156.85

TMUA & MAT Online Live Classes: Expert-Led Prep for Oxbridge Success

Crack the Oxbridge admission exams with UEIE’s TMUA & MAT Online Live Classes. Choose from Intensive, Accelerated, or Pre-Test courses to suit your needs and gain the skills and confidence to succeed.

Empower Your Academic Journey

Dreaming of Oxford or Cambridge? Conquering the TMUA and MAT is your first step. UEIE’s TMUA & MAT Online Live Classes offer the expert guidance and comprehensive preparation you need to achieve your dream.

Our experienced tutors will empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to tackle these challenging exams head-on. Whether you’re aiming for the rigorous TMUA or the demanding MAT, UEIE Online Live Classes will guide you every step of the way.

TMUA & MAT Online Live Classes: Expert-Led Prep for Oxbridge Success

Xie Tao

An independent teacher, Master of Engineering, Oxbridge tutor, with more than 17 years’ teaching experiences on high school Maths and Physics and competitions. Helped more than 100 students engaged in Ivy League, Oxbridge and G5 universities, along with hundreds of students awarded with top awards from international Maths and Physics competitions by far.


Choose Your Path to Success

3 Courses

TMUA & MAT Intensive Course:

In-depth Mastery: 30 seminars covering the entire TMUA & MAT syllabus, including core topics and problem-solving techniques. 

Ideal for: Highly motivated students with ample time for preparation, seeking a comprehensive and rigorous learning experience. 

Includes: 20 core topic seminars, 5 TMUA-specific seminars, 5 MAT-specific seminars, and the Pre-Test Course as a bonus!

TMUA & MAT Accelerated Course:

Efficient & Focused: 15 seminars prioritizing the most essential concepts and strategies for both exams. 

Ideal for: Students with a strong foundation but limited time, seeking a fast-paced and targeted approach. 

Includes: 10 core topic seminars and 5 combined TMUA & MAT preparation seminars.

TMUA & MAT Pre-Test Course:

Foundational Review: 8 seminars covering key concepts and problem-solving skills, perfect for refreshing your knowledge or building a base for further study. 

Ideal for: Students new to competition Maths or those needing a confidence boost before tackling the admission exams.

Why choose UEIE's TMUA & MAT Online Live Classes?

Oxbridge Expertise

Learn directly from tutors who’ve excelled at these admission exams and understand the Oxbridge admissions process.

Interactive & Engaging

Live sessions, Q&A, and group problem-solving keep you motivated and ensure active learning.

Personalized Feedback

Receive individual guidance to pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses.

Proven Success

Countless students have achieved top scores and gained admission to their dream universities.

In these courses, you will

Decipher the Exams: Understand the unique question styles and time pressures of the TMUA & MAT. 

Build a Rock-Solid Foundation: Master core Maths concepts, from algebra to calculus. 

Develop Winning Strategies: Learn powerful problem-solving techniques tailored to these exams. 

Practice, Practice, Practice: Hone your skills with countless practice questions and realistic mock exams. 

Boost Your Confidence: Approach the exams with the calm and focused mindset of a mathematician.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are comprehensive online courses designed to prepare you for the TMUA and the MAT, which are required for admission to certain undergraduate mathematics and related courses at prestigious universities like Oxford and Cambridge.

The Intensive Course is ideal for highly motivated students with a strong foundation in A-Level Maths (or equivalent) who want a thorough and in-depth preparation for both the TMUA and MAT. The Accelerated Course is designed for students with similar abilities but who have limited time for preparation.

Master the core mathematical concepts and techniques tested in the TMUA & MAT. Develop effective problem-solving strategies for both exams. Gain valuable exam practice through practice questions, mock tests and past papers. Receive personalized feedback and guidance from expert Oxbridge tutors. Boost your confidence and maximize your chances of success.

The TMUA & MAT Intensive Course covers a wide range of advanced mathematical topics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, probability, statistics, and logic and proof. These topics are explored in-depth, with a focus on their application to TMUA and MAT-style questions.

The course consists of 30 two-hour seminars, divided into three main sections: Core Topics, TMUA-Specific Preparation, and MAT-Specific Preparation.

The Intensive Course offers a more comprehensive and in-depth preparation for both the TMUA and MAT, with 30 seminars covering a wider range of topics and providing more extensive practice opportunities.

The Accelerated Course is a condensed version, ideal for students with limited time, focusing on the most essential concepts and strategies for both exams.

The course consists of 15 two-hour seminars, focusing on the most essential topics and strategies for both the TMUA and MAT. It includes a combination of interactive lectures, problem-solving strategies, and practice with past papers and mock exams.

The Accelerated Course is designed for students who already have a strong foundation in mathematics and need a focused and efficient review. While it covers the essential concepts and strategies, students with limited prior knowledge or those aiming for top scores might benefit from the more comprehensive Intensive Course.

The TMUA & MAT Pre-Test Course provides a focused review of essential mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies relevant to both exams, including algebra, geometry, calculus, and logic.

The course comprises 8 three-hour seminars, with 6 seminars dedicated to core TMUA & MAT topics and 2 seminars for comprehensive review and practice with mock exams.

The Pre-Test Course provides a foundational overview of key concepts and strategies, ideal for students who need to refresh their knowledge or are new to competition maths.

The Intensive and Accelerated Courses offer more in-depth coverage and practice, suitable for students seeking a more rigorous preparation experience.