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1. 物理專業個人陳述想要達到的目的是什麼?

物理專業個人陳述不只是一篇文章,還應反映你對物理學的熱情、智慧和奉獻精神。 申請牛津劍橋大學的學生必須具有學術天賦,並對物理世界的奧秘著迷。

2. 牛津劍橋對申請者的期待

牛津劍橋希望學生能具備清晰的邏輯推理能力、對基本概念的理解能力以及對複雜觀點的領悟能力。 在文書中,你可以說明自己為物理專業課程所做的準備、對物理相關興趣愛好的培養,以及對物理專業的熱情。

需要注意的是,UCAS在23年1月發布了《FUTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS》,聲明將對本科招生流程的五個方面進行改革, 目前的個人陳述格式將會被調整為一系列問題:

  • 學習動機:為什麼你想學習這門課?
  • 學習經驗:你取得了哪些學習成就? 如何幫助你提升對這門課程的學習經驗?
  • 課外學習:你在課程之外還參加了哪些學習活動? 如何幫助你提升你的專業技能?
  • 其他情況:有哪些你希望學校和學院了解的有關你學業的特殊情況?
  • 課程準備:你為學習這門課程做了哪些準備?
  • 學習方式:你偏好、適合哪種學習方式?

不過,目前來看,在2024 年進行申請的學生仍需要提交個人陳述。



1. 激發興趣

  • 一鳴驚人的文章開頭:講述一個故事,提出一個問題,或闡述一些能表明你對物理專業著迷的事情。 無論是課程中的頓悟、你解決的物理問題,或是令你著迷的物理學概念,都要寫得引人入勝、讓人擁有看下去的慾望。 這將為物理專業個人陳述的撰寫指明方向,並明確你想要寫入其中的各項成果、內容。

2. 與未來關聯


  • 牛津和劍橋大學能夠如何幫助你實現物理專業學習的目標?
  • 你如何在物理專業的道路上不斷進步並嚴格符合牛津劍橋的學術要求?

3. 牛劍申請規範

  • 明確你的文書邏輯通順,各部分之間關聯清晰。
  • 多使用日常用語且資訊真實準確,避免陳腔濫調。
  • 不斷對文書進行優化修改,聽取導師及他人建議。



  1. 學術背景
    首先介紹你的物理教育背景。 詳細介紹你以前的學位、學術和課程,以及你所取得的任何成就和獎項。
  2. 研究興趣
    闡述自己在物理學方面的興趣和知識領域以及你感興趣的有關物理的業餘愛好。 如果你想突顯自己對物理學的熱情,請舉例說明你參與的研究或撰寫的論文。
  3. 學習動機
  4. 學術實力
  5. 個人特質
  6. 協作能力
    強調你的協作能力以及這些能力如何與牛津劍橋物理課程相匹配。 描述你曾經參加過的組織或課外活動,展現你與他人有效合作的能力。 表示你願意向他人學習,並為活躍的學習環境做出貢獻。
  7. 未來目標


  • 清晰性與邏輯性:確保你的物理專業個人陳述具有邏輯性,且各部分之間的觀點銜接流暢。
  • 真實與熱情:你的熱愛應該成為編織你物理專業個人陳述的主線,並將重點放在你對物理的真正興趣上。
  • 更新與優化:向導師或同學尋求修改建議,尤其是對牛津劍橋申請過程熟悉並了解的人。 虛心接受批評,並願意修改自己的物理專業個人陳述,以提高其清晰度、連貫性和影響力。
  • 了解專業課程結構:查看牛津大學劍橋大學關於物理專業的課程介紹和描述,熟悉課程結構,了解其中最吸引你的模組和科目。



1. 物理專業個人陳述範文

The varying scale of physics study is what most excites me: from the universe down to small scale particle interactions, it fundamentally governs all these areas and the many unknowns still existing, which I find fascinating. I want to develop my knowledge through further study of physics to be part of modern day research, which has such a huge impact on our lives.

Alongside my studies, I have been involved in many projects in and out of school to further my interest in physics beyond the A Level course, most recently on Oxford’s UNIQ Physics summer school. In advance of this, I read Feynman’s ‘Six Not-so-easy Pieces’. While I found many of the concepts discussed initially challenging (mainly time dilation, length contraction and curved space), I enjoyed Feynman’s clever analogies to explain these concepts, such as through bugs and hot plates. Study of these topics at Oxford developed my understanding of and interest in relativity, with the opportunity to have intellectual conversations with leading academics being most beneficial and enjoyable.

Using the Michelson interferometer to measure sodium emission lines was a session that I particularly enjoyed due to experiencing the university approach to practical work and using equipment that I had only read about, and wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity to use. I’ve also read ‘The Last Three Minutes’, in which I found Davies’ links between astro-, particle and quantum physics particularly interesting. However, one of the most interesting points for me in both books was not the content but by how much our knowledge has advanced during my lifetime, with discoveries such as the observation of gravitational waves (which Davies had only predicted), especially as this was performed on a somewhat enlarged version of equipment I have now used.

This year I was selected to join Project Horizon, my school’s near-space programme. Over the year, we planned the launch of a payload into the stratosphere, where I led a small team of engineers building and soldering the flight computer and the payload. We had a number of sensors to capture data including temperature, humidity and UV and IR intensity, which was interesting to analyse and compare to expected trends. The payload reached 37864m, capturing spectacular footage from three cameras, which we are hoping to use in a series of outreach lessons in local primary schools. Over the past year I have also mentored a Y8 pupil in physics, as well as assisting in one lower school physics class every week as a STEM Ambassador. This opportunity to have my own basic physics knowledge questioned was extremely beneficial, while also giving back to my school community.

I’ve learnt Mandarin Chinese for the last 5 years and see this as a great benefit to my future career prospects due to the global nature of modern science. Playing the piano since infant school, now at ABRSM Grade 6 level, shows my commitment and I am also proven to be a strong leader: being Vice-Captain of School I work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure the smooth running of the school on a weekly basis, while also leading and organising the largest RAF Air Cadet section in the country as the Cadet Warrant Officer, and being part of a Cub Scout leadership team to run a weekly programme of activities for 8 to 10 year olds.

These all show my willingness to take up the leading role of a university society or in the local community, as well as my ability to communicate with all ages, from young children to peers and staff, and to be adaptable and innovative when things don’t go to plan: all making me suited for group work and the practical side of the course. Overall, I am looking forward to furthering my physics ability at university and believe I display inter-personal and time management skills essential for this challenge, with the prospect of a career in the aviation or space industries adding to my motivation to study the subject.

2. 範文評語

  • 開頭引人入勝,簡潔地闡述了申請人對物理學的看法。
  • 文中介紹的文獻資料及課外活動證實了申請人對於學習物理專業的動機與主動性。
  • 對實務經驗和團隊協作的闡述表明申請人為實驗學習和牛津劍橋的教育環境做好了準備。
  • 將申請人未來的理想抱負同牛津劍橋的教育體系緊密聯繫起來。



