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申請牛津大學或劍橋大學(通常統稱為牛劍)非常具有挑戰性,但同時也意義非凡。 而電腦科學專業個人陳述對於牛津劍橋的申請至關重要,尤其是像電腦科學這樣競爭激烈的專業。 在本文中,我們將為電腦相關專業的申請者提供撰寫文書的建議,同時提供文書範本和回饋意見供參考。



计算机专业文书是大学申请的一部分,尤其对于牛津剑桥的申请者来说尤为重要。 除了优秀的学业成绩之外,招生导师也更加注重学生对于计算机专业真实的、愿意投身奉献的热情。

需要注意的是,UCAS在23年1月發布了《FUTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS》,聲明將對本科招生流程的五個方面進行改革, 目前的個人陳述格式將會被調整為一系列問題:

  • 學習動機:為什麼你想學習這門課?
  • 學習經驗:你取得了哪些學習成就? 如何幫助你提升對這門課程的學習經驗?
  • 課外學習:你在課程之外還參加了哪些學習活動? 如何幫助你提升你的專業技能?
  • 其他情況:有哪些你希望學校和學院了解的有關你學業的特殊情況?
  • 課程準備:你為學習這門課程做了哪些準備?
  • 學習方式:你偏好、適合哪種學習方式?

不過,目前來看,在2024 年進行申請的學生仍需要提交個人陳述。



  • 思考自己對電腦專業的熱情所在:想想你為什麼對電腦科學充滿熱情? 哪些領域讓你感到興奮和好奇? 有哪些特定的領域是你渴望探索的?
  • 了解專業課程結構: 查看牛津大學和劍橋大學關於電腦科學專業的課程介紹和描述, 熟悉課程結構,了解其中最吸引你的模組和科目。
  • 突顯與電腦相關的經驗:無論是參與過的競賽、學習專案、實習工作或自我提升,都要凸顯你對電腦專業的投入與奉獻。
  • 學術成就:闡述你所獲得的學術成果,涵蓋學業成績、競賽獎、相關表彰等,來證明你的能力和與電腦專業的契合程度。

1. 問自己以下問題

  • 點燃我對電腦科學興趣的火花是什麼?
  • 我能否在學習研究和休閒娛樂時平衡地發展這項嗜好?
  • 在追求電腦領域專業知識的過程中,我克服了哪些困難?

我的長期目標是什麼? 在牛津或劍橋大學學習將如何幫助我實現這些目標?




1. 牛津劍橋在尋找什麼特質?

除了程式設計技能外,牛津劍橋還希望找到對電腦技術的理論基礎及其廣泛影響深感興趣的學生。 因此,文書應涵蓋自己對電腦科學概念的理解以及對未來技術的興趣。

2. 文書的作用是什麼?

電腦科學專業個人陳述是一個故事,講述學生在學業和未來目標上的願景。 透過這篇文章,你可以充分展現自己在電腦方面的愛好,說明自己與牛津劍橋的創新精神相吻合。

3. 個人能力及學業成就

接下來,你也應該凸顯那些能夠被招生導師記住, 並為你爭取入學機會的個人技能及學術成就。

4. 證明你對電腦專業的熱愛


如果你的實習經驗、興趣愛好或志工工作與電腦科學相關,那麼在文書內也需要包含這些資訊。 如果你喜歡什麼,請將其與有助於你成功的能力或特徵聯繫起來進行說明;如果你知道自己未來想做什麼,請說明你打算如何利用專業知識來開創自己的職業生涯。


1. 抓住文章開頭

  • 引人入勝的開場白:無論是回憶自己的第一台電腦、透過程式設計解決的複雜問題還是一個科技創新者的想法, 都要讓人過目難忘,並能夠栩栩如生地證明你對電腦科學的痴迷。

2. 文章的核心要素

  • 學術歷程:涵蓋為大學電腦專業所準備的措施、課程或學習成就,詳細列舉你在電腦科學方向的教育歷程。
  • 實踐經驗:分享你在程式語言、軟體開發或其他電腦科學方向的專案實踐經驗。
  • 課外活動:分享你參與的課外活動,例如社團、競賽、黑客馬拉松等,來證明你對電腦專業的熱愛及所做的貢獻。
  • 求知欲:思考那些能加深你對電腦科學理解的書籍、文章、播客或講座,尤其是那些對你的原有觀念及其在社會中的作用提出挑戰的內容。
  • 解決問題的能力:描述你是如何在學生活動、程式設計開發等情況下運用邏輯和創新能力來解決複雜的問題。

3. 展望未來

  • 未來規劃:說明在牛津劍橋學習電腦科學將如何幫助你實現長期的學業或職業理想。
  • 個人成長:描述電腦科學如何塑造打磨了你的個人成長、學習方法以及為該領域做出貢獻的理想。

4. 文章結尾


同時,結尾部分是一個能夠讓招生導師記住你的機會。 作為電腦科學專業個人陳述的最後一部分,你應該強調前文提出的觀點,並闡述你應該被錄取的理由。


  • 清晰與準確性:確保你的文章內容充分、邏輯清晰,盡量使用日常簡潔的語言去解釋複雜的問題和概念,避免大段使用專業術語。
  • 真實性:講述你的真實故事。 除了顯示你對電腦科學的興趣和熱愛,牛津劍橋的導師也非常重視學生對電腦科學的觀點和看法。
  • 修改及優化:向老師、導師和熟悉牛津劍橋電腦科學專業的朋友尋求回饋和修改意見。 要虛心接受建議,並願意多次修改以完善自己的電腦科學專業個人陳述。


想了解更多電腦科學專業個人陳述的指導與建議? 點選瀏覽UCAS官網以獲取更多資訊。



1. 電腦科學專業個人陳述範文

The layman looks at a graphical interface to interact with their computers and never stops to question the development behind it. When I found out that the fundamentals of computing were written in binary base 2 number system composed by simple 0s and 1s, I was astonished and began to understand more and my curiosity in mathematics began to broaden. Building my first few programs using C++ gave me a glimpse into the possibilities of programming and how effective they are at making processes more productive and efficient. Using Visual Basic, I created an E-bay fee calculator and a basic calculator. From building these programs I found that at the element of programming, true understanding, mathematics is fundamental. During that period, I realised that if I wanted to learn more I needed to dedicate my time to computing and mathematics which is what motivated me to apply for Computer Science.

My interest in computers has led me to attend lectures and open days held at UCL and Imperial College London including “What is Quantum Computing?” By realising some indecipherable problems as well as prospects for the future, my desire to bring that future into the present increased. For a long time, computing has been set according to Moore’s Law; the number of transistors doubles every two years. I am enlivened to see that a destined alternative path may slow down or even stop that pace for a number of years. While studying mathematics I was able to develop a logical thought process that I applied to ICT and biology. I have been able to interlink these subjects to gain invaluable analytical skills. Also, through independent studies I have been able to learn a substantial amount on networking basics. These skills combined allowed me to apply what I have learnt in my own home.

One of my more recent projects of them has been running a NAS and virtual Windows on the same machine using UnRaid. Thus not only giving full performance in Windows, using Cinebench as my benchmark, but also allowing full access to network storage at any time. I was fortunate enough to go on a school trip to CERN in Geneva and I was able to grasp how vital computing is to interpret data, through logical computation and statistics. The terabytes of data that is collected needs to be processed and stored, this requires high levels of networking skills to be able to set up. In July of 2015 I was able to secure a work experience placement in the Product Design and Development department at Sky where I was given responsibility for setting up Sky Box racks used in automatic testing. This allowed me to understand how computing is used in a working environment and how they have implemented an ADGILE work flow which allows them to work better as a team and contribute to making a better product. What struck me the most was the emphasis on direct communication between colleagues, every morning a staff meeting was expected where progress was discussed. I appreciated the amount of time and patience it takes to develop award winning software for hardware that is more than 5 years old; the same patience skills I gained from my own projects. In my free time, cooking and baking creative desserts for the family has always been a favourite. It allows me to explore my creative side as well as allowing me to further improve my problem solving skills when something goes wrong.

In addition, I play basketball regularly with friends where I find this an excellent stress release. Throughout the past two years I have seen how computing and mathematics play an important role in our everyday life and within a decade alone it has revolutionised not only the computing industry but the way we learn altogether. I will not only be equipped with the skills necessary for a successful career in Computer Science, but also be surrounded by people who share the same interest as myself if I study Computer Science.

2. 範文評語

文章簡潔有效地闡述了申請人在電腦科學領域的學習和課外經驗。 同時,牛津劍橋大學追求卓越創新的價值觀在這篇文章中透過申請人對解決複雜問題的自我驅動得到了深刻的體現。


總而言之,撰寫電腦科學專業個人陳述時需要包含自我反省、明確的目標和真實的經驗。 一定要將你的性格和成就與電腦科學關聯起來,並闡述你想要加入牛津劍橋學習的強烈動機。



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