








需要注意的是,UCAS在23年1月发布了《FUTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS》,声明将对本科招生流程的五个方面进行改革, 目前的个人陈述格式将会被调整为一系列问题:

  • 学习动机:为什么你想要学习这门课程?
  • 学习经验:你取得了哪些学习成就?如何帮助你提升对于这门课程的学习经验?
  • 课外学习:你在课程之外还参加了哪些学习活动?如何帮助你提升你的专业技能?
  • 其他情况:有哪些你希望学校和学院了解的有关你学业的特殊情况?
  • 课程准备:为学习这门课程你做了哪些准备?
  • 学习方式:你更偏好和适合哪种学习方式?

不过,目前来看,在2024 年进行申请的学生仍需要提交个人陈述。


  1. 用引人入胜的开头打开你的工程专业文书,阐述你为何选择工程专业就读以及你未来的职业规划。
  2. 阐述你有关工程专业的学习经历和学术历程,特别是哪些能够突出你学习能力及专业知识的经历。
  3. 展示你的学术成果及热爱的工程专业模块。突出数学、物理等与工程专业相关课程的成绩及奖项——在这些领域的优异表现意味着你对工程原理扎实的理解和掌握。
  4. 阐述与工程专业相关的工作及实习经历,讨论你从中收获的经验及知识,以及它们如何进一步推动了你的个人成长。特别突出哪些通过运用工程相关知识解决的实际问题及创新能力。
  5. 描述你与工程相关的兴趣爱好及特殊技能,可以包括各类活动、创造发明或团队协作能力等。
  6. 工程专业文书还应该包含你参加的课外活动。无论是机器人竞赛、STEP项目志愿活动或是开发自己的发明创造,都能够展示你对工程专业的热情和奉献、决心和活力。
  7. 描述你的长期目标和愿望,并阐述在牛津剑桥学习工程专业将如何帮助你实现这些目标。
  8. 反思你的个人经历和个人发展。可以讲述一个困难的挑战以及你攻克它的过程;讲述你在学术和个人方面如何不断成长,及这些成长如何进一步塑造你对工程专业的理解。




1. 文书开头

撰写一个令人印象深刻的文章开头。讲述一个故事或提出一个概念,使其栩栩如生、令人难忘。避免陈词滥调和最常见的开场白,这样你才能在文章开头就脱颖而出。下面列出了 UCAS 公布的最常见的一些开场白以供参考:

From a young age…
For as long as I can remember…
I am applying for this course because…
I have always been interested in…
Throughout my life, I have always enjoyed…

2. 文书内容

  • 用严密的逻辑来串联你的工程专业文书。描述你在工程专业的学业成果、个人技能和兴趣爱好,并能够不断反思及钻研你的个人经历。
  • 明确牛津剑桥的价值观并表明你与其的相符性。明确大学与你能够产生共鸣的方面,例如现代化的教育指导、关系紧密的学院社区或对承担社会责任的愿景。
  • 解释你希望在牛津剑桥学习工程专业以及学校和专业对你的有吸引力的原因。你可以将自己的未来目标与牛津剑桥提供的研究项目、具体课程等结合起来,阐述它们将如何帮助你不断成长、发展。

3. 工程专业文书的结尾


  • 避免引用名人名言。就像工程专业文书的开头一样,尽量避免陈词滥调、引经据典或提出仅仅用来引出其他内容的反问句。
  • 联系上文内容。重温正文中提到的要点,并再次进行强调。
  • 谈谈未来的计划和你对大学生活的期望。展望未来是一种乐观的结尾方式,表明你以目标为导向,并认真思考了这门课程如何与你的人生规划相匹配。


  1. 确保你的语言简洁生动:使用日常的语言和积极的声音有效地传达你的想法。不要使用过多行话或复杂的语言来分散你的要点。
  2. 优化你的文书:确保你的工程专业文书经过校对和修改,没有语法及拼写错误;一些细节的错误可能会影响文书的专业性和可读性。
  3. 了解专业课程结构:查看牛津大学和剑桥大学关于工程专业的课程介绍和描述,熟悉课程结构,了解其中最吸引你的模块和科目。
  4. 更新与优化:向老师、导师或同学寻求反馈,尤其是那些对牛津剑桥申请过程有深入了解的人。 虚心接受批评,并愿意修改自己的文书,以提高其清晰度、连贯性和影响力。
  5. 不要谦虚或害羞:你需要充分表现出自己对工程专业的热爱和着迷。



1. 工程专业文书范文

Engineers build societies. More specifically, mechanical engineers apply fundamental maths and physics laws to construct mechanical devices that we use every day, despite sometimes going unnoticed. For this reason, I would like to pursue a career in engineering, as it is such a key component in societies. It combines my fascination of how things work and the mechanics behind devices, with the ability to apply maths and physics concepts to real-life situations.

Studying Maths Mechanics at A-level has given me experience with calculus and more advanced mathematics, including differential equations, creating a firm grounding for the mathematics I should encounter at degree level. Physics has given me an understanding of fundamental notions and reinforced the mechanical aspects of maths, while through Chemistry I have gained hands-on practical experience through regular experiments. Economics at AS level allowed me to develop knowledge on economic practices, as I recognise that many engineers move on to positions involving management responsibilities.

Being invited to partake in the A2 British Physics Olympiad enabled me to gain a deeper understanding of physics principles including Newton’s Laws of Motion and the Laws of Thermodynamics, especially those entwined into everyday tasks. Participation in the Physics Olympiad also provided me with the means to develop my critical thinking skills, as there are usually multiple paths which can be taken to reach the same answer. In addition to this, it required me to think logically about a problem while also being creative. Over the summer holidays, I had the opportunity to undertake masterclasses offered by the University of Liverpool, where I was able to enhance my practical problem-solving experience and apply familiar concepts to strange and unfamiliar problems. One of the masterclasses was engineering movers & shakers, where we engaged in a group structure building task and learnt about the levels of stress structures can withstand. To broaden my engineering knowledge I conducted personal online research, with youtube channels Engineering Explained and Learn Engineering, partnered with regularly assisting my dad in repairing and restoring old Land Rovers providing a wealth of knowledge. Here I have been able to develop awareness of underlying concepts within motorised vehicles, such as the differential which allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds while transferring power to both wheels through the use of the spider gear. Allowing for two different types of rotation and so creating variable power output to the wheels.

Last year, as part of the Welsh baccalaureate I volunteered at my old high school’s maths department, where I tutored a group of year 11 students guiding them through the additional maths course. This was beneficial as it allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills, as I had to alter my teaching approach in order to convey the content as effectively as possible to suit each individual student. Completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award has meant I have gained valuable skills including teamwork, leadership and confidence, allowing me to work with a diverse range of people, this is useful as an engineer because you will encounter and have to work alongside various types of people to achieve common goals. In my spare time, I joined a rowing club for several months, demonstrating my commitment and organisation skills as we often trained multiple times per week including early mornings, together with communication skills as team cohesion is an important factor when being part of a crew.

Studying mechanical engineering will allow me to contribute to new life-changing technologies for numerous industries; including construction, transport, and health-care. My motivation and diligence along with my ability to study independently will make me as I believe it an asset to the course.

2. 范文评语

  • 除了工程专业,申请者还列举了在数学、物理、化学等专业的成绩和奖项。
  • 详细列举了工程相关的成绩、奖项,展示了申请者突出的学习能力和天赋。
  • 详细列举了工程相关的课外活动及志愿活动,展示了申请者的热情及团队协作能力。
  • 将申请者的理想目标与牛津剑桥的教育理念紧密结合。
  • 文书逻辑清晰,语言简洁易懂,各部分之间的衔接流畅通顺。




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