2023/Feb/Mon | UE Oxbridge Essentials
STEP and MAT math exams are written entrance exams for mathematics, computer and other majors in top universities in the UK. This paper compares these two tests from multiple dimensions for the reference of students and parents. I. Which Universities and Programs...
2022/Apr/Fri | Physics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
3 minutes to teach you how to plan a contest. Play Video This article is included in the ‘Competition Essentials’® “Physics Volume” I.What are the main international physics competitions? Before the release of the “National Competition Activities Management Measures...
2021/Dec/Tue | Computing Collection, Economics Collection, Engineering Collection, Mathematics Collection, Physics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
This article is included in the ‘Competition Essentials’ “Mathematics Volume” I. Why Participate in Math Competitions? 1. High-Value International Math Competitions are Recognized by World-Renowned Universities Some top-tier U.S. universities suggest that students...
2021/Dec/Tue | Engineering Collection, Physics Collection, UE Oxbridge Essentials
This article is included in the ‘Competition Essentials’ “Physics Volume” I. Dynamic Analysis Charts for Physics Bowl Data The level of prestige of the Physics Bowl cannot be measured merely by intuition, but rather by speaking through real data. Generally speaking, a...
2021/Dec/Tue | Computing Collection, Economics Collection, Engineering Collection, Mathematics Collection, Physics Collection, Uncategorized
I. What is the Essence of Scientific Research? Research, as the name...